
Charge your customers based on how much they use a particular feature of your application.


Once you’ve created a metered feature as part of your pricing model, it is important for you to have a way to report the usage of that feature. You can report the usage of a feature with ease using Tier SDK.

Report usage of a feature

You can easily report the usage of a feature and even mention the quantity of consumption using our report() method. Ideally, you should report the usage after you checked access for your customer and after your customer consumed the feature. You can add an option called clobber if you want the usage amount to overriding any previously reported usage of the feature for the current subscription.

	 1 // This is the unit of feature consumption and it can be any number,
		at: new Date('23 March 2023'),
		clobber: true // If you want the usage amount to override any previously reported usage of the feature for the current phase

Report usage using can()

When you use the convenient entitlement check method can() it returns an Answer object which has a reporting function with respect to the feature that was checked. You can use the report() without any params as it is already recorded when you made the call with can()

const access = await tier.can(

if (access.ok) {
  // Give access to the feature here // Report feature usage here
} else {
  // Handle restriction and even upselling here.